
This blog is to keep my friends and family up to date with my adventures abroad. Thank you for taking the time to check up on me!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Catching Up: My Writing Class

Due to "internet problems," I have been unable to update my blog for quite some time... I am sorry and I will flood you with a bunch of daily blogs in order to make up for it!

This week I gave a lesson in my writing class on effective introductions, effective conclusions and proper use of transitions! Yes it is just as boring to teach about as it is to study... However, I think that I did a pretty effective job. Unfortunately, I was not provided with a textbook with which to teach the course and I was told that I am not allowed to assign one... this means that I have to provide them with materials for every lesson that I teach...
I also have to make my own curriculum and set my own requirements... My teaching assistant, the Chinese grad student who is supposed to give me guidance, has not of been of any help... he has only told me that I need to teach writing and that I should prepare my own materials...

I teach 5 writing classes with about 50 students per class... (I know, way too many) 2 of these classes have been at Henan university since they were freshmen... They have had several foreign teachers and their listening and expression is quite good... I am able to teach them quite easily and they follow me very well...

The other three classes are transfer students made up of students that have the equivalent of associate degrees in English... Many of these students have never had a foreign teacher and their comprehension and expression has suffered because of it... on the other hand, others have had foreign teachers and their English skill is on par with my other two classes... as can be imagined, this type of class is very hard to teach... if I talk at a natural speed, the students who have good English skills are able to follow me while the others are confused.... If I slow down, I might be able to pick up a few more students who have poorer listing skills but I lose the better students to boredom.... I am not sure what I am going to do... I think that I will meet in the middle with a moderate speed...

Just like my two classes differ from the transfer classes in listening ability, their writing ability is also drastically different.... SO... I am not sure whether or not I am supposed to have the same expectations for ALL classes??? I feel as if I hold the good classes to higher expectations, then this will be unfair to them and the other class as well.... I think that I am only going to grade by improvement... If students heed my suggestions and make improvement through the year, then their grades will reflect this positively. However, if they make no effort, then this will only hurt them....

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