
This blog is to keep my friends and family up to date with my adventures abroad. Thank you for taking the time to check up on me!

Thursday, February 16, 2012


After Hong Kong, William and I began our trip up the coast first with a brief stop in Shenzhen (the boarder of Hong Kong), and then a day in Guangzhou. We had no plan in Guangzhou other than to get on our train at 8:30 PM. So we decided to "get on a (city)bus and then ride until we saw something interesting" This worked quite well and we were able to see a fair bit of the city. Here are few pictures. 

I was greeted by a monkey as I crossed the border back into China. Yes. this monkey (held on a leash by a beggar )  climbed onto my shoulder and posed for a picture. What a great way to be welcomed back to China! 

The tower of Guangzhou in the distance.

a canal through the city.

Sun Yat Sen's memorial in Guangzhou. A very beautiful park!
A tree in the park. the branches reach down to the ground and become roots! this one is arching over the walkway.

A street by the park

William. Confused.

William playing a Chinse version of Hacky-sack in a park in Guangzhou

a close-up of the memorial building.

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